PDF resume Updated Jan 2025
PDF CV Updated Jan 2025
- Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering - Research, Carnegie Mellon University, May 2024
- Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 2022
Research Experience
- Graduate Student Researcher at Biohybrid and Organic Robotics Group, Carnegie Mellon University, Septermber 2022-Present
- Developed foundational simulation tools for musculoskeletal systems by leveraging Python-based soft-body simulation packages to assist biohybrid robot design
- Enabled simulation of adaptive muscles under strength training by developing algorithms to integrate exercise history and fatigue dynamics
- Demonstrated modeling capabilities by replicating Aplysia Californica’s I2 muscle force response and fatigue trends using developed tools with ~3.67% error relative to experimental data
- Undergraduate Research Assistant at Juarez Research Group, University of Illinois, January 2021-May 2022
- Enabled visualization of particle trajectories with enhanced accuracy by developing a modified Vicsek model in MATLAB that incorporates elastic collisions within a bounded observation space
- Modelled elastic collisions and implemented particle trajectory visualization using plot function
- Designed components for a hydrodynamic treadmill, to observe bacteria growth in oil-water interfaces in ocean conditions
- Sourced the original and alternative components based on references and vendor listings for fabricating the treadmill
- Designed and fabricated 100:1 and 5:1 reduction ratio gear sets using laser cut acrylic for speed control of treadmill chamber
- Publication available at DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.3c04902
- Undergraduate Research Assistant at Monolithic Systems Lab, University of Illinois, May 2021-May 2022
- Designed and fabricated flexible connectors using 500 psi Dragon Skin 30 silicone to emulate a physical pin joint for Fiber Reinforced Elastomeric Enclosures (FREEs) with the end goal of building a network of FREEs for applications in other robotics projects
- Designed custom parts for injection molding of connectors using Creo and 3D printed the molds
- Developed a modified silicone injection molding fabrication method for connectors
- Manufactured custom FREEs for testing connectors using rubber tubes, cotton fiber and rubber cement
- Tested flexible connectors for FREEs to determine operating pressures of a simple FREE-FREE-rigid member structure and identify areas of improvement, consequently, added rigid constraints to flexible connectors to increase operating pressure
Additional Experience
- MechSE Innovation Studio Volunteer, University of Illinois, March 2020-May 2022
- Assisted an average of 15 students per day in setting 3D prints for mechanical design and project-based courses
- Troubleshooted technical maintenance issues of 3D Printer equipment to ensure smooth operation by fixing position of extruder head on guide rails and programming printer to re-calibrate settings
- Monitored student prints for quality and prevented failures
- Managed part sales and inventory during the academic year
- Maintained tools and equipment in working condition to reduce user wait times
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), University of Illinois, August 2019-April 2020
- Member of the Special Projects committee involved in building interactive exhibits for Homecoming in Fall and Engineering Open House (EOH) in Spring
- Designed arm mechanism of the 2019 Homecoming float, The Alma Mater
- Collaborated with a team of four to design and construct the Strandbeest interactive exhibit for 2020 Engineering Open House (EOH) (repurposed for 2021 EOH) using Creo and laser cut wood
- Programming
- Python/JupyterLab
- Numpy/Scipy/Matplotlib (intermediate)
- Pandas (beginner)
- Regex (beginner)
- scikit-learn (beginner)
- PyTorch (beginner)
- TensorFlow (beginner)
- C/C++ (beginner)
- MATLAB/Simulink (intermediate)
- Robot Operating System (ROS) (beginner)
- Python/JupyterLab
- PTC Creo (intermediate)
- 3DS Solidworks (intermediate)
- Autodesk Fusion 360 (intermediate)
- Ultimaker Cura (intermediate)
- Manufacturing Methods
- Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM)/3D Printing (intermediate)
- Polylactic Acid (PLA)
- Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)
- Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA)
- Stereolithography (SLA)/Resin Printing (beginner)
- Hand Tools (advanced)
- Soldering (intermediate)
- Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM)/3D Printing (intermediate)
- Betaflight (beginner) - A drone flight control configuration software
- Controls
- PID Control (intermediate)
- State space methods (beginner)
- Observer design (beginner)
- Optimal Control
- Linear Quadratic Regulators (LQR) (beginner)
- Kalman Filters (beginner)
- H2 controller (beginner)
- H infinity controller (beginner)
- Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) (beginner)
- Machine Learning (intermediate)
- Regression and Classification methods
- Linear least squares and Logistic regression
- Support Vector Machines
- Decision trees
- K-means
- Decision trees
- Feature engineering
- Neural networks
- Regression and Classification methods
- Deep Learning (intermediate)
- Optimization algorithms
- Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
- Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)
- Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
- Autoencoders
- Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
- Transformers
- FMEA: Failure, Modes, Effects, Analysis, October 2024
- Intro to SQL, August 2024
- Basics of Tolerance Analyses- Stackup and Fits, July 2024
- Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T): Basics, May 2024
- Machine Learning Specialization, December 2023
- Physical Science Responsible Conduct of Research Course, September 2022
Relevant Coursework
- Masters
- 24-677 Modern Control Theory / Special Topics: Linear Control Systems
- 24-760 Special Topics: Robot Dynamics and Analysis
- 24-691 Special Topics: Mechanical Engineering Project Management
- 24-774 Special Topics: Advanced Control Systems Integration
- 24-787 Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Engineers
- 24-788 Introduction to Deep Learning
- 24-789 Intermediate Deep Learning for Engineers
- Bachelors
- ME 170 Computer-Aided Design
- ME 200 Thermodynamics
- TAM 210 Statics
- TAM 212 Introductory Dynamics
- TAM 251 Introductory Solid Mechanics
- ME 270 Introductory Solid Mechanics
- ME 310 Fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics
- ME 320 Heat Transfer
- ME 330 Engineering Materials
- ME 340 Dynamics of Mechanical Systems
- ME 360 Signal Processing
- ME 370 Mechanical Design I
- ME 371 Mechanical Design II
- ME 400 Energy Conversion Systems
- ME 445 Introduction to Robotics
- ME 447 Computational Design and Dynamics of Soft Systems
- ME 470 Senior Design Project
- ME 497 Independent Study on Soft Actuator Meshes